”Rock the Green does so much for Milwaukee....collaborating with amazing organizations, like Vivent, who have a direct impact on the community that have been left behind or forgotten by the higher institutions of health. It’s obviously wobbly times, and underprivileged communities in Milwaukee need a boost more than ever. This week we all have a stellar opportunity to come thru for those who need a hand the most. I’m stoked to Rock the Stream to pitch in and raise awareness & funds for Vivent.” -Brett Newski
BRETT NEWSKI’s fourth studio album Don’t Let the Bastards Get you Down is a call to arms against whatever destructive forces we may find ourselves battling, from our individual struggles with toxic relationships, low self esteem, loneliness, and apathy to the more global challenges facing us in 2020: The erosion of face-to-face human connection, the breakdown of the proverbial village, the destruction of the planet, and the myriad ways in which our social media addictions amplify these problems. Depression and anxiety are at all time highs, with many, if not most of us, struggling to preserve our optimism.
So how do we regain control and stay hopeful in the face of these challenges? Perhaps it’s less screen time. Perhaps it’s changing the way we approach our tiny pocket TVs. Perhaps it’s discovering or recommitting to our passions. Perhaps it’s getting our hands dirty in pursuit of real solutions to our problems (instead of just complaining online). Perhaps Don’t Let the Bastards Get You Down can shed some positive insight.
May 28, 2020 @ 7pm CDT
About Vivent Health
Vivent Health envisions a world without AIDS and strives to ensure everyone with HIV lives a long and healthy life. We are a relentless champion for people affected by HIV and do all we can to help them thrive, because we believe every person has value and should be treated with respect.