Fred Meijer once said, "I want to leave the world in a little better shape than when I entered it.” At Meijer, their commitment to sustainability stems from their foundation to being a good neighbor. Being a good neighbor means providing fresh food and other products at affordable prices. It means providing excellent service and giving back to our communities, but it also means being good stewards of the environment and protecting it for generations to come. A major sustainability initiative of Meijer’s is minimizing in-store food waste. Meijer launched the Flashfood app that allows customers to purchase food nearing its sell-by date – like meat, produce, seafood, deli and bakery products – at up to 50% off.
Rock the Green's Sustainability Festival takes place in September, which is apple season in Wisconsin. Meijer handed out seasonal organic apples and reusable totes to Festival-goers. The apples were a huge hit with attendees and the bands.
See how Meijer is Rocking their Green.