See what others are saying about Rock the Green!
we love
Rock the Green
“Milwaukee is a world-class eco-city, and Rock the Green’s relentless commitment to demonstrating practical solutions that work for everyone in ways that are both creative and entertaining is a big part of that. The groundswell of support of Rock the Green from the public and private sectors is further indication that Milwaukee is emerging as a national leader in a variety of areas.”
Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett

"It’s inspiring to see so many people come together and get behind a great cause – especially one that will have more of an impact on future generations than it will on our own. It’s a symbol of what we can do if we put in a little bit of effort & are willing to reeducate ourselves and make small changes that add up to a big difference.”
Ben McKee, Bassist, Imagine Dragons

"Rock the Green takes an innovative approach to engaging community members to protect our environment. It’s important to celebrate our great city, but it’s even more important to preserve it. We’re thrilled to be partnering with Rock the Green to bring water conservation to the forefront of discussion.”
Rich Meeusen, co-founder, The Water Council and retired CEO of Badger Meter
“I wanted to let you know how proud I am of you for your work with Rock the Green. I know from firsthand experience how difficult it was to build a green building when considering each advancement through a unique environmental lens. You, in essence, just went through the same experience "building" RTG, and in my mind, you excelled on all levels. Honestly, I was so impressed with how well everything came to fruition. It is a great template for the future!”
Ken Leinbach, Executive Director, Urban Ecology Center
I just wanted to reach out post-show, and say Thank You for putting one hell of a concert last weekend, everything was perfect. From the grounds to the vendors, to the food, it was all top-notch. I pat you on the back!
– Dave Derkowski, Warner Brothers Records (Michelle Branch)