Willy Porter continues on a musical and personal odyssey spanning over two decades, 11 albums, and multiple continents. His journey has been defined by an inquisitive love for humanity and the language that describes what we all hold to be true. Porter’s songs weave a universal perspective about the questions, struggles, and triumphs of human existence.
Willy Porter
Rockin' Dan's Barn

May 13, 2021 @ 7pm CDT
Dan's Magical Music Barn
Dan Aukofer was a longtime friend of Rock the Green who combined his passion for biking with his love for the environment to create Power by the People concept using spin bikes to create power. RTG has utilized this technology to help power our Sustainability Festivals and Earth Day Celebrations since 2011.
The barn was impacted by a fire on the afternoon of August 4th, 2020. Tragically, Dan passed away just after Thanksgiving. A portion of the roof of the barn has been fixed but another $10,000 is needed to complete the restoration.
Willy Porter performs this stream to honor Dan, his family and help raise funds to bring music back to the barn.

The story of the Magical Music Barn by Angie Aukofer-Parker, Dan's daughter
I’m sure many of you have been waiting for an update from me… I can hardly believe it’s back in September that I first opened this account to try and help raise funds for my dad’s “Magical Music Barn” after a horrible fire that occurred in late august completely decimating one barn and leaving the other severely damaged. I imagine that most of you know that very unexpectedly, unfortunately, sadly, tragically my dad passed away in late November. Ugh…just saying that completely breaks my heart. How could this be?!! My dad!! I still cannot believe it…
So many times, since my dad left this earthly plane, I’ve wanted to write (my dad always loved my writing) and just haven’t been able to. I feel as if I’ve tripped, fallen over backward down into a bottomless well that’s completely black and unknown. Drowning in sorrow and despair. I feel as if my life (the ‘life’ I thought I was going to have) and my heart have been ripped asunder. I just cannot seem to reconcile the idea of ‘life’ without my dad… and the pain, sorrow, loss, and despair I feel for myself pales in comparison to how I feel for my mom…I have never had to bear witness to anything as tragic as this. Something I am completely powerless to do anything about.
I know we are not alone in this, so many care, so many have also experienced this type of loss, it is absolutely heartbreaking. We are so very blessed, beyond measure, to have so many who love and support us, so many who loved and supported my dad and yet this is where we are at, my mom and I, at a total loss~devastated~most days, barely making it. My dad left a HUGE irreplaceable hole in our lives. And so I have been unable to put pen to paper so to speak.
And yet life goes on. I know my dad would never want us to carry on in this way. And so with the help and support from all of you we are moving forward day by day, sometimes moment by moment. It has been requested by family and friends that I “update’ and ‘re-open’ this account so to speak and so I am…
First and foremost, to each and every one of you who has already donated there are no good words to express our gratitude. Through every trial and tribulation, our family has had these last two years your outpouring of love, prayers, support, and generosity are beyond compare. I can tell you my dad was so touched, overwhelmed, and grateful, he truly loved each and every one of you. And what a gift for him to know, before he passed, how much ‘his life’ positively impacted all of ours. Not many people get to know that before their time is up.
As for an update on my dad’s Magical Music Barn…it was only about a week before he passed that the backside of the roof was re-done (see updated picture). Which is why I had written no prior updates. Just that side of the roof alone cost $10,000.00 which is what the original $4500.00 that was raised went toward. The ‘plan’ before my dad passed had been to re-roof the other side and essentially re-side the barn. If you look at the pictures much of the back and side was completely charred and although not as easily seen damaged in general. Honestly, I have no idea what the cost of this would be. It is certainly more than I originally imagined.
So that my friends is where we are at. Once again, our deepest gratitude for your love, support, and generosity
Love and Blessings,
AUGUST 10, 2020
For those of you that don't know, I am Dan and Deb Aukofer's daughter Angie. As many of you know about a week ago my parents suffered a terrible fire at our family farm. Unfortunately, our back barn burned to the ground. Thanks to the AMAZING efforts of countless firefighters our front barn, that many of you know and love as much as we do, was spared and is still standing! This is truly a miracle! The fire chief told my mom and dad that in over 30+ years of fire fighting he has never seen a barn saved! Sadly she is not without some serious damage and needs repair.
I'm slightly embarrassed to admit that as a family we do not have the necessary funds in order to do the repairs needed to preserve our beautiful barn. As many of you know, almost two years ago my dad suffered a dissected aorta which landed him in the hospital for two weeks (by the grace of God he's still with us!) Then about 3 weeks prior to Covid and our statewide shut down we found out that my dad's aorta was bulging and growing! After an initial postponement, my dad finally had pretty extensive surgery to reinforce his entire aorta on June 11th. Due to its 'fragile' state, my dad has had to be off work for some time and will continue to be off for the foreseeable future.
I completely understand that these are and have been 'hard times' for sooooo many (my heart aches for anyone struggling and suffering during this time, it really has been tough, I feel for you), but if you have the wherewithal and feel so moved I would be so grateful for any assistance at this time. I am honestly not sure at this point 'what' repairs are needed and 'how much' they will cost, we are working on getting estimates, but whatever they may be it is my hope that they might be able to be completed before the snow flies. My folks could really use a break and some help. My dad would never ask for help he's too proud and thinks he can do everything himself, but he cannot. So I am asking for him.
Would you be so kind as to help us save our 'magical music barn', (as someone lovingly referred to it) ? It has been home to weddings, yoga classes, church services, birthdays, drum circles, countless musical events, and most recently 'virtual' live streaming human-powered bike shows in collaboration with Rock the Green. It is my hope that with your help these events can and will continue to bring love, peace, joy, and music to our community! Thank you and God bless!