Watch Zed Kenzo's
June 18th Rock the Stream
Zed Kenzo is an alternative hip hop artist and producer. Born and raised in Milwaukee, WI, Kenzo discovered her passion for art and music at a young age. Learning classical piano starting at the age of 7 and having began in the church choir just as early, Kenzo quickly developed a brain and ears built for song-writing and composition.
Their influences range from 90s hip hop and R & B all the way up to the early 2000s indie, dance and post-hardcore music, just to name a few categories. Because she began on the stage so early in life, that is where Kenzo has primarily shone thus far. With such an eclectic music vocabulary, Kenzo’s music creates space to tastefully cross over genres while maintaining its unique and distinct sound particular to her.

June 18, 2020 @ 7pm CDT
ArtWorks for Milwaukee
ArtWorks' mission is to strengthen Milwaukee’s workforce through art internships that help teens develop career skills. ArtWorks’ programs focus on outcomes, which reflect the common youth outcomes identified by their long-time funding and program partner MPS